Windows Commands
These are commands that may be used in the default command interpreter, cmd.exe, as well as Powershell.
- display current directory. Short for “change directory”.cd ..
- move up the directory tree one level. Doing this from C:\Users\JohnSmith\Desktop will take you to C:\Users\JohnSmith, for \
- brings you back to the root of the current drivecls
- Clear the screenX
: - takes you to the last used location on drive X (typically, use C: or D:). It defaults to the root directory if you have not previously cd’d to anywhere on that drive.
Mac & GNU/Linux Commands
These are commands that may be used in a common command interpreter, bash, which is installed by default on most Mac or GNU/Linux systems, but may not apply 100% in other command shells, such as fish, or zsh for instance.
- short for “print working directory.” Displays the directory you are currently
- a quick change directory back to $HOME directory. Short for “change directory”.cd ..
- move up the directory tree one level. Doing this from /home/johnsmith/Desktop will take you to /home/johnsmith, for /
- brings you back to the root of the current drivels
- Display a list of files and folders, very -l
- Displays a detailed list of files and folders.clear
- Clear the screen
Python commands
or ctrl + Z or exit() -ends Python on Windows.quit()
or ctrl + D -Tells “End Of File” to Python on Mac and GNU/Linux.quit()
or ctrl + C -Kills Python process on Mac and GNU/Linux.