简单记录个人学习 大家的编程 (Python 入门)的学习记录和相关资料。
- 20160617: 完成Getting Started with Python
- 20160617: 完成ChapterFive
- 20160616: 完成ChapterFour
- 20160615:完成ChapterThree
- 20160614: 完成ChapterTwo
- 20160607: 完成ChapterOne
- 20160607: 完成Getting Started with Python学习框架
- 20160608: Python语法–Variable
- 20160608: Python语法–Conditional Steps, repeated steps, loop
- 20160607: 常用终端命令
Python for Informatics: Exploring Information
- PDF: English / Chinese
- EPUB: English / Chinese
- Apple iBooks at iBookstore: English
- HTML: English
- HTML(zip): English
Sample Python code
- Getting Started with Python Chapters 1-5
- Python Data Structures – Chapters 6-10
- Using Python to Access Web Data – Chapters 11-13
- Using Databases with Python – Chapters 14-15
Getting Started with Python Chapters 1-5
Week 1
ChapterOne: Why We Program
- Welcome
- Lecture Materials
- Additional Materials
Week 2
Installingand Using Python
- Installing Python – Overview
- Using Python in this Class
- Python Code Playground - Recommended: Install Python - Windows 8
- Recommended: Using Python - Macintosh
- Recommended: Using Python on a Raspberry Pi
- Recommended: Install Python - Windows Vista
- Optional Assignment: Python Installation and Screen Shots
- Bonus Interview: Eben Upton and the Raspberry Pi
Week 3
ChapterOne: Why We Program (continued)
- Lecture Materials
- Review: Chapter 1 Quiz
- Assignment: Write Hello World
- Bonus Interview: Daphne Koller
Week 4
ChapterTwo: Variables and Expressions
- Lecture materials
- Review: Chapter 2 Quiz
- Assignment 2.2
- Assignment 2.3
- Bonus Interview: Pooja Sankar
Week 5
ChapterThree: Conditional Code
- Lecture Materials
- Review: Chapter 3 Quiz
- Assignment: 3.1
- Assignment: 3.3
- Bonus Interview: Massimo Banzi
Week 6
ChapterFour: Functions
- Lecture Materials
- Review: Chapter 4 Quiz
- Assignment: 4.6
- Bonus Interview: Guido van Rossum (Part 1)
Week 7
ChapterFive: Loops and Iteration
- Lecture Materials
- Review: Chapter 5 Quiz
- Assignment: 5.2
- Bonus Interview: Guido van Rossum (Part 2)
Student-curated notes(学生笔记)
- Installation
- Chapter 1
- Chapter 2
- Chapter 3
- Chapter 4
- Chapter 5
- Chapter 6
- Chapter 7
- Chapter 8
- Chapter 9
- Chapter 10
- Beginner’s Guide to Python: 官方新手指南
- LearnPython.org: Python在线学习
- PEP 8: Python编码风格指南
- PEP 8(中文版)
- Codecademy- Python: 编程在线学习平台
- SoloLearn: 编程在线学习平台